How are agencies responding to CPVA across the UK?

In our experience practitioners are struggling to respond to CPV and recognise that conventional parenting programmes do not work for their families because the children and young people typically are non co-operative.

There are a handful of programmes being used across the UK.
It is our experience that tools and programmes are often developed using the collaboration of local agencies in the area.
This can make it difficult to replicate in other towns, districts and counties.

We have been advocating and running the Who’s in Charge? programme extensively since 2011. We are currently in the process of evaluating five years worth of anonymised data.

We have trained over 130 practitioners with roles such as: youth offending, domestic abuse support workers, social workers children & young people’s practitioners, psychologists, therapists, school staff, youth workers, parenting practitioners, early help workers, SENCO’s, service managers, mental health workers, school nurses, troubled families workers, family carers and family group conference co-ordinators.

One of the reasons we believe the Who’s in Charge? programme has a huge part to play in combating child to parent violence is that it is cost effective to run. The only costs incurred are those of the facilitators preparation, time and printing of the handouts and of course the tea, biscuits and tissues!